Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The Ultimate Guide To Dab Nails

Dabbing has gained incredible popularity recently, and with this newfound popularity comes a lot of options for dabbing.

There are many different kinds of dab nails available for new or experienced dabbers to use with their dab rigs.

Learn the major differences in dab nails, the pros and cons of these differences, and which one is best for you.

Domed vs.Domeless Dab Nails

One of the most noticeable differences, even if you are new to dabbing, is whether a dab nail is domeless or domed.

Domed Dab Nails

Some of the benefits of using a domed nail along with your oil rig include:

  • Great for individual use because no vapor is wasted.
  • Cheaper than their domeless counterparts.
  • The domed sides trap vapors, so vapor is more potent.
  • The attached dome creates a safer way to dab.

One of the major cons of the domed nails is the amount of time it takes for the dab nail to heat up. The longer the dab nail takes to heat up, the longer the dabbing process could be delayed.

Domeless Dab Nails

Meanwhile, domeless dab nails have no sides to them. With this design comes a specific set of benefits:

  • Allows for bigger dabs.
  • Faster heating compared to domed dab nails.
  • Reduces the risk of burning the oil.

There are cons for this dabbing system too. The main one being that this dab nail design is more intended for experienced dabbers, due to the quick heating abilities. Plus, you lose more vapor unless you use a separate carb cap.

If you are new to dabbing, you may want to consider starting with a domed nail for your dab rig and then working your way up to a domeless design.

E-nails vs. Standard Dab Nails

The major difference between e-nails and standard dab nails is that e-nails don't rely on a butane torch to heat up the nail.

Short for “electronic nails,” e-nails typically feature a controller box that delivers heat to the nail through a coil. The controller box lets you easily — you guessed it — control the temperature. So it eliminates guesswork.

E-nails require heating coils to connect to e-nail capable domeless nails, which can be made from quartz, titanium, and even silicon carbide.

E-nails are an excellent way for ensuring the concentrate reaches a consistent temperature. While these dabbing accessories are considerably more expensive than standard dab nails, if you plan on dabbing regularly, then this might be a good investment for you.

Because e-nails can remain at the ideal temperature for hours, they’re an excellent choice for enjoying multiple dabs in a row, and prevent you from burning oil on the nail.

When using an e-nail, you'll need to make sure you monitor it closely because of the high-temperature used to operate.

If you are an experienced dabber who is looking for a way to do multiple dabs and know how to work an oil rig, an e-nail would be a significant step up for you and your dabbing routine.

Titanium vs. Glass vs. Quartz vs. Ceramic Dab Nails

Besides the differences in the design of the dab nail and how to heat the nail, these dabbing accessories are made from a lot of different materials.

Titanium Dab Nails

This option for dab nails has been around since the beginning of the dabbing craze. It's easy to see why this material is a popular option for a dab rig because of its unmatched durability.

Besides being durable, titanium will also heat up quickly and consistently, which are two crucial components to dabbing.

The most significant negatives to using a titanium nail are that if you choose a lower-grade titanium, you run the risk of titanium oxide building up on the dab nail, which might be harmful for both you and your dab nail.

Plus, the titanium may interfere with the flavor.

If you are a person who doesn't want anything interfering with the flavor, a titanium nail may not be for you.

Glass Dab Nails

Glass dab nails are another popular option among the dabbing community. These dab nails are great for not interfering with the flavor. Plus, they are one of the easiest types of dab nails to clean.

However, glass dab nails are not best for withstanding high levels of heat and may break easily. Unless you are extremely careful with your dab nail, you might have a short lifespan for your glass dab nail.

Quartz Dab Nails

If you liked the sound of the benefits of the glass dab nail but didn't want to risk the easy breakage, a quartz nail might be the perfect one for you.

The quartz mineral offers the same benefits of the glass nails, but the mineral is heavy-duty and offers more durability.

Some of these quartz nails hang off the side of the nail, which is often referred to as a dab banger.

One significant negative of quartz nails is that they will cool off fast. If you are using this material for your dab nail, you'll have to be quick so the dab nail won't cool off too much.

Ceramic Dab Nails

Last but not least is the ceramic dab nail, this material is similar to the glass dab nail. Just like the glass one, ceramic dab nails are easy to clean. This option is also considerably fragile.

High-quality ceramic dab nails are not likely to break from high-heat, but be careful not to drop them.

The Best Dab Nail

There are many different types of dab nails available on the market today, each with their own set of pros and cons.

To recap, here are the factors you'll want to consider:

  • Whether a domed or domeless design better suits your dabbing preferences.
  • If an e-nail is worth the initial investment.
  • What dab nail material is best suited for your dabbing routine. Choose between standard materials like glass, quartz, ceramic, and titanium.

Shop our full selection of dab nails and find the right one for you!

via https://www.thickassglass.com/blogs/enlightenment/dab-nails-guide

The Ultimate Guide To Dab Nails is courtesy of https://www.mrs-hardy.com

source https://www.mrs-hardy.com/2018/05/01/the-ultimate-guide-to-dab-nails/

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