Wednesday, 28 February 2018

The Products that Powered Weedmaps Pipe House 2018

For the second annual pilgrimage to Pipe House for the Weedmaps action sports team, the focus was on relaxation — a chance to bask in Hawaiian paradise while catching some rays and waves. Not to let legal speak take you away from imagining your happy place, but we should mention that is owned by [...]


The following post The Products that Powered Weedmaps Pipe House 2018 Find more on:


Bioavailability and You

To a certain degree all of us know a bit about how bioavailability works. Bioavailability refers to the percentage of any drug that enters your body’s circulation and is actually able to take effect. It’s the science behind why smoking, vaping and edibles affect us all so differently. When it comes to the therapeutic side of cannabis, it’s important to know how to get maximum use out of your products. Bioavailability allows us to take better control and gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between cannabis and our bodies.

The method you choose to intake your cannabis directly affects its bioavailability. Smoking and vaping are probably the two most common ways of taking cannabis, they also have the highest bioavailability percentages. With a range of between 30-65% absorption, the effects are usually felt instantly, but not for long. Usually, within an hour or so, most, if not all the effects will have dissipated. Recent studies have shown that vaporizing cannabis allows for better and faster absorption, but not longer in effect.
When it comes to edibles, we have two main options: sublingual and oral. Sublingual doses are usually taken by placing the solution under the tongue for about 15-30 seconds and then swallowing the remaining solution. Sublingual absorption sits at around 30-50% and usually takes affect a few minutes after ingestion. Tinctures, mints and candies usually fall within the sublingual umbrella.

Edibles that have to go through the Gastrointestinal tract fall under the oral classification. These have the lowest bioavailability, about 6-15%. The gastrointestinal tract is a very hostile environment, there are many harsh chemicals that our stomach uses to breakdown food. When ingested orally, cannabinoids don’t take effect until after they have passed through the stomach, which is why it may take up to 2+ hours to feel the effects of edibles.

Topicals allow for concentrated application with a lot more wiggle room when it comes to dosages. Because the skin is lined with CB2 receptors, cannabinoids are non psychoactive when applied topically, even THC. CBD has a higher affinity for CB2 receptors, which makes it a lot more efficient as a topical.
There are a few other aspects that can play into bioavailability as well. Some studies have shown that healthy saturated fats play a role in how well your body receives cannabinoids. Saturated fats are usually solid at room temperature, you can find them in eggs, chicken, fish, etc.

Understanding how bioavailability works allows me as a retail associate to find the perfect product for our customers. It also allows our customers to take better control of their cannabis journey and find the perfect balance for them and the experience they are looking to have.

By Educator – Esther Wacheke

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Students Who Need Medical Marijuana Deserve Easier Access

To discourage minors from using marijuana, officials have implemented many regulations. But in regards to medical marijuana and the medical marijuanachildren who benefit from it, there comes a question of who is really being protected.

Some children use cannabis oils, tinctures, capsules, creams, or liquids as treatment for medical issues with the recommendation and guidance of a physician. These treatments can offer relief to suffering that might otherwise prohibit the child from normal participation in school activities. However, the treatment itself has become a disruption: currently parents must remove children from school property before administering doctor recommended medical marijuana, according to a report from South San Francisco Patch.

Sen. Jerry Hill (D-Mateo) is hoping to put an end to this absurd practice with the introduction of SB-1127. The bill would allow governing bodies of school systems and charter schools to set their own policies, opening the door to allow medical marijuana use on school grounds for grades kindergarten through 12. It would still, of course, prohibit smoking or vaping, even if it is for medicinal purposes. The drug cannot be administered in a way that would be disruptive to the educational environment or that would expose other students. And storage of medical marijuana would not be permitted on school grounds.

The process would therefore still be a disruption for caregivers, who would need to come to the school to dole out the necessary dosage. Parents would still be required to manage and administer the drug without assistance from a school nurse or administrator. But at least children would not be ripped from their daily activities and dragged off school property, just to be used as a prop in some ridiculous point about marijuana.

It is important to teach minors about risks and why marijuana is regulated and should only be used recreationally by adults. But it is also true that cannabis is beneficial when used for children with special medical needs. Treating marijuana like radioactive material that can’t even be in the same building as the other children is only perpetuating the stigma of years past. We must arm the next generation with facts and understanding as well as protections and regulations.

It’s been more than two decades that medical marijuana has been available in California, with the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. And with Prop 64 recently going into effect, cannabis will be in the public consciousness more than ever. Children are going to have questions. Hauling their classmates off campus to responsibly and legally receive medical treatment is alarming and confusing, and will not be a deterrent to the other students who might be curious. Grandstanding and symbolic restrictions are no replacement for education.

Our medical marijuana lawyers in Orange County applaud any steps toward easier access of cannabis for patients and deconstructing myths and stigmas surrounding marijuana. This next generation will grow up in a world where marijuana is commonplace. But there is absolutely a time and a place for it. It is up to all of us to teach them responsibility, rather than rely on scare tactics so they can lead us all into a brighter future.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 714-937-2050.

Additional Resources:

CA Lawmaker Seeks to Allow Cannabis Medicine in Schools, Feb. 16, 2018, South San Francisco Patch

More Blog Entries:

Medical Marijuana for Children with Serious Medical Conditions, March 6, 2016, Medical Marijuana Lawyers Blog


The following blog article Students Who Need Medical Marijuana Deserve Easier Access was originally published on Mrs. Hardy's 420 Blog


Tuesday, 27 February 2018

CannaCon: Year Five

Vicente Fox talks at Seattle's CannaCon.

This time last week, CannaCon had just wrapped up its fifth year, leaving the industry buzzing with excitement from the multitude of connections made, the innovative products discovered, but my guess is it was mainly from the inspiring talk given by former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox, a cannabis advocate and leader looking to unite the North American region as one cannabis supermarket.

Although it was my first CannaCon, it certainly would not be my last. The industry truly has exploded, as this was the first year it was held at the Washington State Convention Center, and coming from days of medical, that seemed like a huge feat in my eyes. Inside, the expo was warm, bright and big, with a variety of interactive booths, informative seminars and lots of networking; connections being made locally within our state, continent and outward to the global stage.

In a speech that lasted nearly an hour, Friday morning Vicente Fox addressed the crowd, inviting them to come to the CannaMexico World Summit in May of 2019, as “participants; as sponsors, as exhibitors or any other characteristic that you can come with.”

Vicente Fox talks at Seattle's CannaCon.

Former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox spoke at Seattle’s CannaCon, citing the migrant history our country has. “In the US, it’s a country of migrants, starting with (President) Washington..”

The summit will be held in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, and as Fox shared during his talk, this region of Mexico is a key place to where the journey to independence from Spain, historically took place. Now, it’s a space to begin the journey to independence from the war on drugs, so Guanajuato is very special and symbolic for the future, looking to modernize Mexico with this new legal economy.

Fox also discussed the violence occurring every day inside Mexican borders, stating that upwards of 80 children are killed daily due to drug-related violence. He hopes this will end with the legalizing of cannabis, as he put out a plea to clean up the streets and lives of children and people living in Mexico.

The talk was focused on the inalienable rights we have as humans. One very poignant part was when Fox stated that he wanted all drugs to be made legal.

“To me, drugs should be totally legalized. All of them. Each and every one of them. Why? Because of what I mentioned, based on ethical and moral values, we are driven free to make choices, to decide what’s good for us and what is not. Governments do not have the capacity or the reason why they should intervene in our behaviors and our conscience.” -Vicente Fox

Vicente Fox also did not fail to point out that the United States was founded by migrants. “Migrants are my heros,” he said. “That’s what migration is all about. It’s people who dream higher. It’s people in families that want to accomplish great things. People in families that want to build that better world, that we in THIS community, are building. That’s migration.”

“We all, in our background, have a migrant story to tell, that’s why migration is so enriching,” Fox continued.  Although here to discuss the future of cannabis, the discussion of humanity was close behind.

Inviting us with open arms, Fox hopes that all who came to CannaCon would be present next year in Mexico.

“It’s key that we consider this industry. This is one of the last frontiers of prohibition. And we all know prohibition doesn’t work.  Prohibitions and walls, fail. Like the Chinese Wall, the Berlin Wall, prohibitions have been posed and failed, like alcohol, so we must keep pushing and keep resisting.” -Vicente Fox

Vicente Fox called to our community, “We need your leadership!

I have to agree. With so many strong, smart and driven individuals, our community is filled with skilled agents of change. I urge all who care about cannabis freedom and advocacy to unite in this movement for an open market industry throughout our continent and the world, making sure that cannabis and its wealth of opportunities can reach those who need it most.

Written by: Masha Brown


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CannaCon: Year Five Find more on: Mrs. Hardy 420!


Monday, 26 February 2018

Privacy Protections Necessary for Recreational Marijuana Users in California

While many Californians are finally enjoying the freedom to use recreational marijuana, some are questioning how safe their private information is recreational marijuanawhen they make a purchase. When Proposition 64 went into effect Jan. 1, adult-use marijuana became legal in the state, with local governments able to set up their own regulations or bans.  But there are currently loopholes that threaten the privacy of customers.

Assembly Bill 2402 seeks to tighten those loopholes. Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) introduced the bill, which would prevent cannabis retailers from selling customer information to third parties. It would also protect customer information from employers looking to investigate employee use, according to Capital Public Radio. It mirrors similar rules that are currently in place for medical marijuana users.

Because you must be 21 or older to purchase cannabis in California, dispensaries require a valid ID to prove your age. Though it is not mandatory, some dispensaries will keep a record of the information on file. Some use this information for marketing purposes. Many also keep such records in order to monitor how much someone is purchasing in a day, according to Politifact. This could be necessary if a business needed to prove they are in compliance with state law, which caps individual recreational marijuana sales to one ounce per day.For deliveries, personal information is kept on file as record that the person receiving the delivery is 21 or older. And dispensaries are required under licensing regulations to videotape each transaction.

This bill would tighten up what businesses are and are not allowed to do with private information. Our lawyers know this would be a victory for customers and recreational marijuana businesses alike. The more comfortable people are, the more they will feel good about purchasing marijuana, and the more the industry will thrive. While we believe there’s no reason for marijuana users to feel they need to hide, a stigma still exists, and people deserve to be able to enjoy this legal and safe activity while keeping their privacy intact.

However, the bill will not protect customers from federal officials. Because marijuana is still considered a Schedule I narcotic under Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. Section 812, federal authorities would still have the right to confiscate customer information. Most don’t believe the federal government has the interest or the resources to go after individual users, though. While we hope this is true, it really demonstrates the importance of reclassifying marijuana, which we know has no reason to be listed among the likes of dangerous drugs, like heroin.

If you are a cannabis business owner, it’s important you be aware of best practices for handling the private information of customer, while also keeping in compliance with state and local laws. Our trusted Los Angeles recreational marijuana attorneys have the experience and know-how to advise you through this sometimes confusing process.

We also are there to protect the interest of marijuana users. There are still those who are clinging to outdated ideas about cannabis who will use their power to try to stop progress. We have both criminal and civil attorneys prepared to stand up for you and your rights should you encounter trouble.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 714-937-2050.

Additional Resources:

Bill Would Boost Privacy For California Marijuana Customers, Feb. 19, 2018, Chris Nichols, Capital Public Radio

More Blog Entries:

California Now Accepting Recreational Marijuana Business License Applications, Dec. 12, 2017, Cannabis Law Group


Privacy Protections Necessary for Recreational Marijuana Users in California is available on


Sunday, 25 February 2018

It’s High Time California Protected Medical Marijuana Users in the Workplace

Even though medical marijuana has been legal in California for more than 20 years, patients might just now be getting protections in the workplace. Amedical marijuana bill that would prevent employers from discriminating against employees because they use cannabis for medical purposes was recently introduced by Assemblyman Rob Bonta (D-Oakland), according to The Cannifornian.

California was the first to legalize medical marijuana with the passing of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Yet it is trailing woefully behind in protecting workers. Currently 11 of the 29 states (plus Washington, D.C.) that have legalized medical cannabis already have laws in place to protect employees who have a physician’s recommendation to use marijuana to treat a condition.

Assembly Bill 2069, if passed, would establish long overdue employee protections by prohibiting employers from firing or not hiring “a qualified patient or person with an identification card” solely on the basis that they use marijuana for medical purposes or for testing positive for cannabis on a drug test.The state failed medical marijuana patients by not including employee protections in the original bill. They failed even further by not doing anything since then. This gap in the legislation has since left patients beholden to employers and political whims.

More than a decade after medical marijuana legalization, the California Supreme Court ruled against an Air Force veteran (and medical marijuana patient) who was fired, citing the lack of employee protections in state law. Legislators tried to overturn the ruling, but were vetoed by the governor, solidifying that rights rested with employers rather than employees who are simply following instructions of a medical care provider. Meanwhile, other prescribed medications are given a pass in the workplace, regardless of what effects they might have on the patient.

It should be noted that the bill does not offer protection if the employee is impaired while on duty as a result of cannabis use. The employer would be able to take corrective action or terminate the employee. It also does not force a business to employ someone who is unable to perform the essential duties of a job due to a condition (given that reasonable accommodations would be provided). This destroys any excuse someone might have to delay this necessary law.

The bill also emphasizes what our skilled Orange County medical marijuana lawyers have always known, which is that “no scientific evidence exists that medical cannabis users are substandard employees.” In fact, with cannabis use on the rise in California, employers will find themselves at a real disadvantage in attracting talent if they continue to maintain archaic drug testing standards.

The bill further points out that drug tests have not demonstrated an improvement in workplace safety. Cannabis is an especially ludicrous drug to test for, considering it can appear on a test days or weeks after use, making it impossible to identify when the use occurred.

Our trusted lawyers hope action will be taken swiftly on this matter. Californians have suffered too long, not knowing whether they could lose their job because of their medical treatment. No one should have to choose between taking care of their health and taking care of their livelihood.

Additional Resources:

California May End Workplace Discrimination Against Marijuana Users, Feb. 14, 2018, By Tim Kohut, High Times

More Blog Entries:

Employers Revisiting Policies on Marijuana, Jan. 1, 2018, Cannabis Law Group


The blog post It’s High Time California Protected Medical Marijuana Users in the Workplace is courtesy of Mrs. Hardy 420!


Recreational Marijuana Gets Sanctuary in Berkeley

While excitement over marijuana legalization continues to rise at the state level, the incoming clouds of the federal government continue to threaten tomarijuana legalization rain on the parade. And while some hope to just wait out the storm, others are taking the matter into their own hands.

Berkeley City Council is putting its city and citizens first by becoming a sanctuary city for adult-use marijuana, according to CNN. The council passed a resolution recently that would prevent local agencies from using city funds to enforce federal marijuana laws. That means if federal agents try to come down on anyone in the city, they can do so within the boundaries of their own authority, but not with the assistance of the city or its employees. No financial assistance. No help from employees. No access to information.

The city is taking it a step further as well by actively fight against any steps by Drug Enforcement Administration to close down recreational marijuana businesses in the city.

Our marijuana legalization attorneys in Orange County are proud to be in a state that has always led the way on cannabis protections. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana under Compassionate Use Act of 1996. And through Prop 64, it joins a select group of states in blazing a trail for adult-use marijuana across the nation. But shortly after recreational marijuana was legalized in the state Jan. 1, Attorney General Jeff sessions reignited his anti-pot agenda and began rolling back protections, namely the Cole Memo, a directive that ordered federal prosecutors to lay off prosecuting marijuana offenses in states where the activity in question is legal.

Law-abiding Californians are tired of having marijuana’s status as a Schedule I narcotic under Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. Section 812 held over their heads. The countless marijuana patients over the past two decades know first-hand the medical benefits of the drug, despite the claim it has “no currently accepted medical use,” if its Schedule I classification is to be believed. And to think of it as being in the same category as ecstasy, heroin and LSD would be laughable if it wasn’t so infuriating. Likewise, those who enjoy cannabis for recreational purposes know it doesn’t hold the addictive power of these other drugs nor does it come with comparable health risks.

Berkeley’s mayor pushed for the measure, which he believes is the first of its kind in the country. The move isn’t totally unique, though. Berkeley had already established itself as a safe harbor for medical marijuana a decade ago to protect providers and patients in the city.

Our legal team applauds any and all efforts to protect Californians from the misguided, aggressive, and outright dangerous agenda of the current Department of Justice. It’s why we have dedicated ourselves to providing legal assistance to the innumerable people who have positively benefited from marijuana: whether as a patient, a business owner, a responsible adult user, or all the Californians who will reap the benefits of increased tax revenues helping the state. Our highly skilled team is here to offer business advice, defend you against marijuana-related criminal charges, or assist you in civil disputes.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 714-937-2050.

Additional Resources:

Berkeley Declares Itself a Sanctuary City for Recreational Pot, Feb. 14, 2018, By Madison Park, CNN

More Blog Entries:

Sessions Rolls Back Directive Protecting State Marijuana Laws, Jan. 25, 2018, By Marijuana Legalization Lawyers Blog



Recreational Marijuana Gets Sanctuary in Berkeley Read more on: Mrs. Hardy's 420 Blog


Friday, 23 February 2018

Legalization vs. Decriminalization

There is a municipal document floating around expected to be the blueprint for municipal cannabis regulations province-wide. While the document is full of factual errors, one glaring observation is this false dichotomy: Legalization vs. Decriminalization Legalization refers to the repeal or abolishment of laws that prohibit the use, sale and possession of cannabis and/or the […]

The post Legalization vs. Decriminalization appeared first on Cannabis Life Network.


Legalization vs. Decriminalization was first published to


This City Smokes More Weed Than Any Other

The post This City Smokes More Weed Than Any Other appeared first on High Times.

A newly released report shows that one city smokes more weed than any other. Can you guess which city it is? Here are three hints. It’s a major metropolis on the East Coast in the United States. It’s known for housing artists, musicians and business tycoons alike. It has a reputation for being “the city that never sleeps”. We’re talking, of course, about New York City. And this city smokes more weed than any other city in the world.

The Big Apple Pipe

This City Smokes More Weed Than Any Other


According to newly released research results by the company Seedo, New York City had the highest rates of cannabis consumption. Not only in the United States, but in the world. The published data shows that the population of New York City consumed an average of 77.44 metric tons of marijuana last year alone.

For a city that still formally prohibits the possession, use and sale of weed, this is quite impressive. Especially since the medical marijuana program in New York does not permit patients to smoke their medicine.

For a comparison, the city with the second highest cannabis consumption rate in the world is Karachi, located in Pakistan. The people of Karachi went through an average of 41.95 metric tons of marijuana.

Interestingly enough, the city in the United States with the next highest rate of cannabis consumption was Los Angeles, California. They consumed only 36.06 metric tons of cannabis last year.

Final Hit: This City Smokes More Weed Than Any Other

So why is it that New York City smokes more weed than any other city? The data, unfortunately, doesn’t go into the nuances of a population’s smoking habits. We only have the numbers at our disposal, which could lead to some stimulating speculation.

Why are New Yorkers going through so much green, especially when marijuana is prohibited? Is the stereotype that they’re all stressed out and miserable true? Probably not. It may just have to do with the high population of the city.

In any case, Uri Zeevi, the CMO of Seedo, estimates that if the city had legal and tax-regulated cannabis, the city could rake in $156.4 million per year at the rate New Yorkers are going.

Last month in New York City, there was a public hearing on legalization. So, it looks like there could be hope for ganja in Gotham.

The post This City Smokes More Weed Than Any Other appeared first on High Times.


The following post This City Smokes More Weed Than Any Other Find more on: Mrs. Hardy's Blog


Craig Ex Out and About in Squamish with Grassroots Medicinal and Cannabis Growers of Canada

Check out Craig Ex in the first-ever Expert Joints LIVE! Out and About in beautiful Squamish, BC. Prepping for the Fore20 Cup at the Squamish Valley Golf Club Craig Ex tees off and smokes some green on the greens of the Squamish Valley Golf course, which will host the 3rd annual Fore20 Cup in August. […]

The post Craig Ex Out and About in Squamish with Grassroots Medicinal and Cannabis Growers of Canada appeared first on Cannabis Life Network.


Craig Ex Out and About in Squamish with Grassroots Medicinal and Cannabis Growers of Canada is republished from


Concise “W.Y.K.A.M.”

This week Craig welcomes Vancouver based Emcee Concise The Black Knight back to the show to check out his new video “W.Y.K.A.M.“. Chad Jacket of Liberty Farms & the Cannabis Growers of Canada is back for “Out & About” with some products from Grassroots Medicinal; and he’s also joined by Instagrammer Fluffy Pineapples too. Join […]

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Concise “W.Y.K.A.M.” was first seen on


Thursday, 22 February 2018

“The Entourage Effect”

The best analogy I’ve heard regarding the entourage effect is, “THC is your gas pedal, terpenes are your steering wheel.” What this means is THC alone, while it will get you high, can be a shallow high. If you’ve ever had the chance to take a dab of some THC Crystalline or “Wizard Stones” then you may have experienced this. While you will get high, it seems unguided and almost disconnected. This is where terpenes come into play. Terpenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons found in the essential oils of plants and are the driving force behind cannabis and the effects it has on your mind and body. They are also what gives cannabis its unique smells and flavors.

Now, THC and terpenes, although they play the main role in your high, they aren’t the only ones in this Entourage. Cannabis contains a wide variety of cannabinoids. While THC and CBD are the most commonly known cannabinoids, there are several others that play a smaller, but equally important role. Most cannabinoids are not psychoactive, meaning their purpose is NOT to get you high. However, they do have a wide variety of medical benefits, and combined with THC and terpenes, create the “Entourage Effect”. What this means is that all the cannabinoids and terpenes work together to give you the affects you feel after consuming cannabis. For example, cannabis containing higher amounts of the terpene Myrcene will typically be heavier on the body. Strains with higher concentration of Linalool or Caryophyllene are often great for stress relief, while cannabis higher in the Limonene terpene usually are more euphoric and energizing.

Aside from terpenes, cannabinoids like Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabichromene (CBC) and Cannabinol (CBN) play a very important part in the entourage effect. The term cannabinoid refers to one of a number of chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. They each play a unique and important role. THC and CBD are the most commonly known cannabinoids, and for good reason. THC, aside from providing the psychoactive reaction, aids in pain relief, anti-nausea, anti-spasmatic, and an appetite stimulant. CBD has a lengthy list of

symptoms it alleviates. Aside from being an anti-inflammatory pain reliever, it is said to reduce seizures, relieve anxiety, reduce blood sugar, and kill or slow the growth of bacteria. CBD also acts as an antiemetic, a cancer cell inhibitor, a treatment for Psoriasis, antipsychotic, anti-spasmatic, and promotes bone growth. A lesser known cannabinoid; CBG acts as an appetite suppressant, has anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits growth of cancer cells, and also acts as an antibacterial and bone growth stimulator. As THC ages, it converts to a cannabinoid called CBN. CBN can be a pain reliever and a sleep aid.

There are over one hundred cannabinoids that have been isolated, and hundreds of terpenes that have been found in the cannabis plant. The THC-driven way of choosing your cannabis products is slowly shifting to a new school of thought; placing importance on terpenes and how varying cannabinoids co-star to create the Entourage Effect.

By Educator – James Phillips

The post “The Entourage Effect” appeared first on Evergreen Market.


“The Entourage Effect” was initially published to


Blockchain Social Network Seeks to Make Online Marijuana Censorship a Thing of the Past

MARIJUANA POLITICS - The News Source For an Informed Citizenry Post by Marijuana Politics

Leading social networks like Facebook have drawn their fair share of criticism over the past couple of years, with allegations of interfering with presidential elections through to poisoning the minds of our youths. But the rampant power of large social media companies goes further than that.

If there’s one thing that anyone who owns a cannabis related social media page on Facebook or Instagram will tell you, it’s that you never know when you just might be banned or censored. Reports constantly surface of legal cannabis businesses having their pages banned overnight with no explanation. Many cannabis based business have had their page closed even more than once, sometimes several times in a single year.

One blockchain based startup believe that the future of social media for cannabis users lies in something completely different. After having the social media page of a popular online community 420Smokers closed on multiple occasions the team behind Smoke Network decided that something needed to be done.

They now claim to be building the world’s first decentralized social network for cannabis users. While this might sound like a mouthful, there are many benefits that the idea of using blockchain brings to the cannabis social media conundrum.

Large centralized companies who control social media may have their own anti-marijuana rhetoric. Worse than that, these large companies can easily be pressured by the federal government, who still views cannabis as a schedule 1 drug, to spread their own anti-cannabis agenda. Social media companies may even have no control over this process at all.

By ‘decentralized’, Smoke Network really mean free from interference from outside parties . On a blockchain, the same technology powering the ever-popular Bitcoin, all data stored is immutable and hosted safely across a number of ‘nodes’ across the world.

This puts the network outside of the control or influence of any particular government, making censorship or loss of data next to impossible.

Smoke Network will also one other trick their sleeve that turns traditional social media on its head – the ability for content creators and content viewers to be rewarded automatically by the network for their work. This will be handled via Smoke Networks native currency, Smoke coin.

The amount one can earn will be calculated by the number of upvotes their own posts get on the network. Content curators will also have the ability to earn for finding and promoting high quality content before anyone else.

One thing is for certain: the future of social media won’t always be the one we take for granted today. To find out more about Smoke Network visit their website.

The post Blockchain Social Network Seeks to Make Online Marijuana Censorship a Thing of the Past appeared first on MARIJUANA POLITICS.


The following post Blockchain Social Network Seeks to Make Online Marijuana Censorship a Thing of the Past See more on: Mrs. Hardy 420!


Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Canadian insurance companies and banks are warming up to cannabis

A big sign of the changing public perceptions of cannabis can be seen in the evolving positions of traditionally conservative industries like insurance and finance. As we inch closer and closer to legalization cannabis will only become increasingly accepted, and before more banks and insurance companies jump in, let’s take a look at some of […]

The post Canadian insurance companies and banks are warming up to cannabis appeared first on Cannabis Life Network.


Canadian insurance companies and banks are warming up to cannabis was originally published on Mrs. Hardy's Blog


Seattle High Group

Meet talented PNW and Seattle area photographers in cannabis, urban and nature lifestyle

A true group of friends and creatives, Seattle High Group is a collective of artists: from videographers to photographers and models, working together for innovative fun, pushing creative boundaries and inspiring each other to new heights of their craft.

Meet talented PNW and Seattle area photographers in cannabis, urban and nature lifestyle

Seattle High Group Team from left to right; Frank, Ryan, Taylor, Hollis, Oleg & Blake.

As social media continues growing in prominence, (Fun Fact: there are now more cellphones on the planet than there are toothbrushes!) many use platforms such as Instagram for inspiration, to see new places around the world or connect with others of a similar mindset. If you have been searching for a local talent (or talents) to follow, look no further as these six bring variety and heat to their sets.

Seattle High Group was launched unexpectedly six months ago as the brainchild of Hollis Porter aka @bokeh.rang after organizing a meetup for photographer friends during the summer. Creating content using Puffco products, they saw a real need for a group of like-minded individuals in the Seattle photographer community, especially with a cannabis focus.

Unfortunately, the next event they only had photographers turn out, and that was truly the launch pad that started Seattle High Group.

Their third meet up, was when the idea came to fruition. They decided to host a general photography event, inviting designers, models, artists, to come together, and it worked.

Since, Seattle High Group has hosted a handful of parties and meet ups and they don’t plan on stopping the connections, creations and cannabis fun. It has been through these events that local talents can meet, greet and create, whether it is on the spot or at a later date. Artists come in a variety of personalities and often they are reserved in their work, possibly shy, and finding those they can create with can be a challenge. Events like these act as an ice breaker and the Group itself works as a barrier for protection. Safety is always the priority when meeting strangers from the internet, so having a group that can connect you with others who are of a similar mindset is helpful and can be a safety precaution.

Seattle High Group Christmas Party

Getting it LiT for the Holidays with @mfjane and @mashabrown.

Plans for the future include branching outside of the Washington State market to other recreational and medically licensed states. Currently they offer media packages to local cannabis producers, processors and retailers, fine tuning cannabis marketing to an elevated platform with professional content; offering fresh, fun and art forward images that create desire.

In a city where talent is constantly showing up, Seattle High Group continues to push their own limits with daring sets and lifestyle shoots, as well as artistc approaches to cannabis modeling.

Where do you find inspiration?

” We bounce inspiration off of eachother. We have a group text and we are on there everyday, sending pics and getting critiques, giving eachother constructive feedback. It’s important to look to those avenues too, not just cannabis photographs but other professionals in the field, locally and outside. “

Ryan Summers of Seattle High Group

Captured by Ryan Summer, a look at sunset in Downtown Seattle, WA.


Fav Photography: night citycape / landscape

Fav Strain: Indicas

Fav IG: @anonymous_truthseeker

Urban life and photography in Seattle.

Captured by Oleg Zharsky in Seattle, WA.

Fav Photography: Portraiture

Fav Strain: Dutch Treat

Fav IG: @oldppldoingthings

MF Jane poses with Seattle High Group, by Hollis

Photography by Hollis Porter in Seattle, WA.


Fav Photography: Street/Landscape

Fav Strain: Peyote Purple

Fav IG: @wendys

Taylor of Seattle High Group shares his PNW photography.

PNW landscape photography by Taylor Boyd.


Fav Photography: Lifestyle/Landscape

Fav Strain: Diesel Thai and Super Glue

Fav IG: @maxwellswift & @scott_kranz

Seattle High Group's Blake shares his PNW photography.

PNW landscape and hiking photography by Blake Gillies.


Fav Photography: Landscape/Lifestyle

Fav Strain: Sour Tangie

Fav IG: @juxtapozmag

Frank Chachon of Seattle High Group.

Captured by Frank Chacon.


Fav Photographer: Portraiture

Fav Strain: Gummo

Fav IG: @maxwellswift

Like what you see? You can find more works by the talented individuals of Seattle High Group on their IG


Seattle High Group, local cannabis photography

Spark up the fun! @mfjane is prepared for a good time at Seattle High Group’s last event.

Written by: Masha Brown


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Tuesday, 20 February 2018

9 Subtle and Convenient One-Hitter Cannabis Pipes

One-hitters are a popular choice for microdosing or super quick convenience. Check out our picks of discreet, portable, and extra-small pipes.

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9 Subtle and Convenient One-Hitter Cannabis Pipes was initially published to


Cannabis rules giving Too much power to local governments and landlords?

BC’s cannabis regulations give local governments the power to control cannabis in their jurisdictions, and even landlords and strata councils are getting the authority to ban smoking and growing on their premises. With legalization months away, smoking and growing cannabis in your home, apartment, or condo will be a big issue, especially in rental properties […]

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Cannabis rules giving Too much power to local governments and landlords? was first seen on


UCSF Says Marijuana Businesses Can Learn from Mistakes of Tobacco

While many politicians and other leaders continue to wring their hands, hemming and hawing ad nauseum over the best way to regulate the growing marijuana businessnumber of marijuana businesses, University of California San Francisco says the answer is right under our noses.

According to a study by the university published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, regulators need look no further than the tobacco industry for inspiration to create best practices for adult-use marijuana. By using what the tobacco industry has learned by trial and error over the years, the marijuana industry can avoid early mistakes and take a proactive approach.

Examples in the study include implementing clear labeling with conspicuous warning labels, avoiding marketing that appeals to minors, and restricting product potency.While our Riverside marijuana business lawyers know there is much to be learned from the tobacco industry, we also know cannabis does not have the same health risks as tobacco, no matter how many officials want to skew the facts. The World Health Organization released a study in 1995 claiming that even with increased use, marijuana would not have the same negative health effects of tobacco or even alcohol, each of which can cause deadly diseases with repeated use. No such findings have been connected to marijuana. And a 1999 study by the National Academy of Sciences showed only 9 percent of marijuana users developed a dependency on the drug versus a whopping 32 percent of tobacco users (even more than heroin users in the study).

Therefore, labeling and marketing akin to tobacco would not only be sufficient, but would go above and beyond. Tobacco also does not have the health benefits of marijuana, though those properties would fall under medical marijuana guidelines rather than recreational.

UCSF analyzed edibles, concentrates, tinctures, and other products in comparison to tobacco control. Other recommendations from the study in regards to packaging include graphic warnings with rotating messages to deter minors and educate adults, reducing or eliminating logos or branding, avoiding packaging that mimics non-marijuana products (candies, cookies, etc…). For the cannabis products themselves, the study recommends not adding flavors to nonedible marijuana products, examining potential health risks of certain formulations and prohibiting high-risk products, and banning additives that would encourage addictiveness.

One of the paper’s authors addressed the current six-point warning labels for marijuana products. He encouraged a more overt approach, stating that the current labels are hard to read and could lead to trouble for the industry down the road. He also said public health needs to be considered first and foremost.

In the meantime, while regulations and rules evolve and settle, marijuana businesses can derive their own inspiration from these studies and previous regulated industries. By studying these industries and looking at history, businesses can begin to prepare themselves for regulations and best practices that could become mandatory down the road. Our experienced lawyers offer business consultations on how to set up your business with consideration for things like branding and legal compliance. We also will be there to help your business continue to thrive as the industry and laws continue to change.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 714-937-2050.

Additional Resources:

What Science Says About Marijuana, July 30, 2014, By Philip M. Boffey, New York Times

More Blog Entries:

CDC: Death from Marijuana Cookie Prompts Need for Warning Labels, July 24, 2015, Cannabis Law Group




The following article UCSF Says Marijuana Businesses Can Learn from Mistakes of Tobacco See more on: The Mrs. Hardy Blog


Monday, 19 February 2018

Warning Letters Sent to Unlicensed Cannabis Businesses in California

Sales are booming for cannabis businesses after Prop 64 allowed recreational marijuana to become a legitimate industry in the eyes of the state. However, operations are still heavily regulated, and many new marijuana business owners find the task of abiding this onerous list of laws to be a difficult one. Without the help of a marijuana attorney to advise of potential problem points, businesses could easily find themselves under heavy sanctions – or worse, criminal prosecution.cannabis business

The California Bureau of Cannabis Control recently sent warning letters to several hundred businesses suspected of operating without state marijuana business license, according to Leafly. The letters outline criminal and civil action planned if the businesses refused to either close or become compliant with regulations. Bureau leaders said they are pursing all delivery services and retailers who may not be operating legally.

Some of these businesses slipped into questionable business practice after legalization passed, but as officials ironed out the details of statewide regulation and oversight. In some cases, business owners have been trying to fly under the radar to avoid being taxed (practically out of existence). In many cases, however, these business owners were simply unaware of their obligations or haven’t filed the proper paperwork or gone through all the correct channels. This is where having a marijuana business attorney can be invaluable to protecting your investment.Our Los Angeles cannabis business attorneys know that in cities like Los Angeles and San Diego have taken decisive action. LA Police Department has raided eight businesses without licenses, leading to more than 35 arrests. The department said this is just the tip of the iceberg, estimating 100-200 illegal cannabis businesses are currently operating in Los Angeles alone.

Although shortcuts can be very tempting considering how cumbersome these regulations are, the reality is any illegal business practices – intentional or otherwise – can cost you big time in the long run. Note that just because a cannabis business has been able to evade detection or regulation until this point is no guarantee the status quo will continue.  In fact, these letters and police raids illustrate how serious marijuana business owners and operators should be taking these issues.

According to the bureau’s letter, each violation can cost a business up to three times the license fee in civil penalties. This is beyond any criminal penalties – and a criminal record can often be more detrimental than monetary punishment.

If your business is currently operating without a license or you aren’t sure if you are in compliance with laws and regulations, our attorneys are here to help get you on the right track. With our experience and know-how, we can assist you with licensing and compliance issues. And with regulations and laws varying so greatly from city to city, it is essential you are working with someone knowledgeable in all of the laws that will affect you.

We also can work on a business plan that is best for you to get you set up on the road to success. The best way to succeed is to keep your business open, and the best way to do that is to follow the law.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 714-937-2050.

Additional Resources:

California Sends “Several Hundred” Warning Letters to Unlicensed Cannabis Businesses, Feb. 16, 2018, By Ben Adlin, Leafly

More Blog Entries:

Licensed Pot Shops Take on Illegal Sellers for a Fair Market, March 10, 2017, Cannabis Law Group


The following article Warning Letters Sent to Unlicensed Cannabis Businesses in California was initially published to Mrs. Hardy 420!


Sunday, 18 February 2018

Getting Ready for the 2018 Fore20 Cup with Expert Joints

Check out Craig Ex aka The Expert of Expert Joints at the Squamish Valley Golf and Country Club as we get ready for the 3rd annual Fore20 Golf Tournament and Cannabis Cup coming up fast on August 19th. Craig gets the lowdown on Fore20 2018 from Chad, who helped organize it as the president of […]

The post Getting Ready for the 2018 Fore20 Cup with Expert Joints appeared first on Cannabis Life Network.


Getting Ready for the 2018 Fore20 Cup with Expert Joints See more on: Mrs. Hardy 420!


Saturday, 17 February 2018

Medical Marijuana Advocates Take Aim at Goliath Department of Justice in Court

In the David versus Goliath of weed, five plaintiffs are taking on the federal government’s archaic stance on cannabis, claiming they have “suffered medical marijuanaharm, and … are continually threatened with additional harm” as a result of marijuana’s Schedule I classification under Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. Section 812.

Arguments recently began in U.S. District Court Southern District of New York for the lawsuit filed against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Department of Justice, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and its director Chuck Rosenberg, and, to top it off, the United States of America.

Plaintiffs include a military veteran who uses cannabis for post-traumatic stress disorder, a former pro football player with a business that sells hemp-based products, representatives for two young children, each of whom suffer from severe medical issues, and Cannabis Cultural Association, a non-profit organization meant to help minorities benefit from the cannabis industry, according to an article from Associated Press. The lawsuit also outlines that, while not a class action, it would benefit tens of millions of Americans who depend on marijuana’s medical properties.The military veteran, who also operates a program with a goal of ending veteran suicide, said one of the biggest challenges is not being able to travel across state lines with medical marijuana, even if you’re going to a state where it is also legal.

The lawsuit says the Controlled Substance Act has “wrongfully and unconstitutionally criminalized” cannabis. Our experienced Orange County medical marijuana lawyers know that at the heart of this matter is the blatant fact that marijuana simply does not fit the criteria used to determine if a drug should be classified as Schedule I.

Here’s a rundown. According to DEA, Schedule I drugs are drugs with: a) no currently accepted medical use, and b) high potential for abuse. Our attorneys, as well as millions of Americans, know neither of these statements are true of marijuana. In addition, marijuana can be consumed and tested safely, another factor used to determine a drug’s standing. It’s laughable to think cannabis would have anything in common with other Schedule I drugs, like LSD or heroin. Worse yet, for years spineless government officials have hidden behind a lack of research as their excuse for the classification, even though the classification is the very thing that has prevented federally sanctioned research in the first place.

This same backward cyclical thinking continues with the current administration as Sessions insists he must enforce the law because it exists, refusing to look at modern research or the upswell of support throughout the country to consider whether the law should exist at all. Like a child with his fingers stuffed in his ears, Sessions can’t bear to hear the facts on marijuana and continues to sing the same old song about its so-called dangers, like something right out of Reefer Madness.

Our attorneys hope this case will challenge the status quo and get the ball rolling toward declassification of marijuana. While state laws and several patches at the federal level have allowed patients, recreational consumers, and businesses enjoy some freedoms, it is high time cannabis lose its Schedule I status so we can all move forward.

The Los Angeles CANNABIS LAW Group represents growers, dispensaries, collectives, patients, defendants, workers and those facing criminal marijuana charges. Call us at 714-937-2050.

Additional Resources:

Washington et al v. Sessions et al, July 24, 2017, U.S. District Court Southern District of New York

More Blog Entries:

Science Does Not Support Jeff Sessions’ War on Marijuana, July 5, 2017, Medical Marijuana Lawyers Blog


Medical Marijuana Advocates Take Aim at Goliath Department of Justice in Court was initially seen on The Mrs. Hardy Blog


Friday, 16 February 2018

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of BC’s Cannabis Regulations

British Columbia’s NDP government announced its preliminary cannabis regulations last week. So what is the good, the bad, and the ugly of BC’s cannabis regulations? First, the good: dispensary owners with criminal records can apply for a retail licence. Albeit, we’re far from perfect. For starters, these dispensaries (some over a decade old) have to […]

The post The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of BC’s Cannabis Regulations appeared first on Cannabis Life Network.


The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of BC’s Cannabis Regulations Find more on:


An Introduction to Dabbing

The world of cannabis has exploded in the last decade. If you’re anything like me, you probably started your smoking career the same way I did: with some good old flower, and a pipe. There’s  a certain nostalgic quality to loading up your grinder, smelling your cannabis as you break it up, and feeling the sticky trichomes as you pack, or roll up. Even today, I still take a moment to appreciate the feeling of some sticky buds between my fingers, and think about how far we’ve come.

Despite all of this; times change, and so do the needs we have when it comes to what we’re smoking. I remember the first time I saw what a dab was. Honestly, it’s a little intimidating at first. The product bears no resemblance to the kind green buds we all know and love, and the blowtorch wasn’t doing much to ease my thoughts. After the first hit, and the initial coughing fit, I knew I was a lifelong fan of this new method of cannabis consumption.

For the uninitiated; a ‘dab’ is slang term for any small amount of cannabis concentrate that is smoked. Cannabis concentrates are exactly what it sounds like: a concentrated form of the cannabis plant. The active compounds in cannabis, otherwise known as cannabinoids, are stripped from the plants using a solvent. Some of the solvents used in this process are butane, propane, or supercritical Co2. At this point, the product is purged of any solvents. Don’t worry! The Solvents that are used in concentrate production have to be food or medical grade, and are processed using incredibly sophisticated equipment. Once it passes state approved testing for safety, it is packaged and sent to our store!

The primary appeal of dabbing is its potency compared to cannabis flower. THC levels in flower may only reach the mid-twenties in terms of cannabinoid percentage. Concentrates levels can reach up to 99.9% in total cannabinoids. This leads to a high that is much more intense than the high that flower can produce. Another main benefit is terpene preservation. Terpenes are the oils generated by the cannabis plant that give each strain its unique smell, effect, and flavor profile. Concentrates contain a much higher level of these terpenes, and therefore the taste associated with concentrates is much more flavorful, with a clear definition between strains. The final benefit to dabbing is that it takes much less to get high with, and sessions last much shorter. This is great for people that are often on the go, and lead busy lifestyles!

To take a dab you’re going to need a few things. The most important is your oil rig, which is slang terminology for any small bong used for concentrates. With oil rigs some would say: the smaller, the better. It allows for greater expansion of the vapor in your lungs, instead of in your piece, which will result in better, smoother hits. The next piece of essential gear is a nail, which is used to vaporize your concentrates. Nails are generally made from one of three materials: glass, quartz, or titanium (although some may be ceramic as well). Flavor enthusiasts will go for quartz, or glass. I myself am too clumsy, and prefer titanium. Regardless of what you choose, if you’re just getting into it I wouldn’t stress too hard over it. The final piece of the puzzle that you’re going to need is a blowtorch unless you want to invest in a fancy electric nail also known as an e-nail. The torch for many people is one of the more difficult tools to acquire. Most headshops will sell a variety of different torches but as a piece of advice from the author, I purchased my torch at a certain home goods store that specializes in beds, baths, and more for a price that was much more reasonable, and had the same look and function of more expensive torches. Finally, you will need a dab tool, or a long metal or glass implement that will allow you to place the dab on your nail.

Now that we have all of our tools it’s time to take a dab. First, prepare your dab on your dab tool. If it’s your first time, start with something the size of a pepper flake. Like the name suggests, a dab will do ya! Next, take your blowtorch and apply heat to your nail. You will see a smaller brighter flame, and a more transparent flame surrounding it. The sweet spot for your torch flame is the tip of that smaller flame. You’re going to want to heat the nail until it’s glowing, and then let it cool down for about 15-30 seconds. At this point you will apply your dab to the nail, and inhale until it has completely melted away and it is no longer producing vapor. Some people may be inclined to hold in their hit, but the only thing you’re going to do to yourself is cough like heck, and cut off oxygen to your brain. Once you’ve exhaled you have finished your dab, and you can enjoy your high! Also, because of the high concentration of terpenes, we recommend you inhale and exhale through the mouth and avoid the nose.

As with anything, there are more advanced techniques to dabbing which we will delve into next time! Until then, you should be all ready to take a fat dab, and go enjoy yourself! If you think some of your favorite activities are great after a bong rip, or a joint, you’re going to really enjoy them after a big glob!

By, Educator – Michael Rhode

The post An Introduction to Dabbing appeared first on Evergreen Market.


An Introduction to Dabbing See more on: Mrs. Hardy 420!
